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Community Solar

Community Owned Renewable Energy​​

The main objective of the Community Owned Renewable Energy LLP (CORE Partners) £40m investment programme is to turn operational, ground mounted solar farms in England into community owned assets, whilst maximising the financial, environmental and social impact within the community. 



The Next Generation programme has supported community groups in five locations with grants and capacity building support to form and equip them with the knowledge, skills and opportunities to take ownership of these solar assets and develop new innovative long term projects that deliver against local needs and priorities.


Shropshire and Telford Community Energy

Whitchurch, Shropshire

STCE is being set up as a Community Benefit Society to develop and own community energy projects in Shropshire and Telford. One of the first projects that STCE are looking to take on is the Twemlows Solar Farm near Whitchurch, a 10MW scheme built in 2015 using private finance. STCE have also received grant support to develop new community owned renewable energy schemes and develop a local retrofit-for-all model for the Marches.

Beehives funded by Orchard CE at Brogdal

Kent Community Energy

North Kent

Orchard Farm Solar Array in North Kent has been up and running since 2016.
It is owned by a local non-profit group, Orchard Community Energy, with profits going to support community projects in Swale and Medway. Now there is a great opportunity to bring another solar farm next door into full community ownership through a new group: Kent Community Energy. Watch two videos from beneficiary organisations who received CBF grants from Kent Community Energy under the CORE programme. 


Emmaus Dover

Canterbury Umbrella



Yealm Community Energy

South Devon

YCE are looking to take community ownership of two solar farms in South Devon: an existing 5 MW solar farm at Newton Downs that was purchased by CORE from Good Energy and one new 7.3 MW solar farm at Creacombe that has been developed by CORE and commissioned in December 2019. YCE have also received grant support to set up a local community electric ferry transport scheme. Find out more about YCE and their involvement in Next Generation on their website or download the case study

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